MIAMI, November 25th, 2015 – Jet Management Associates (JMA) has been engaged by the owner of a Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) to provide an aircraft valuation, offer sales organization recommendations, analyze two-years of part 91 operations data, country of registration recommendations, commercial charter operator analysis, and contract negotiation and drafting.
The engagement touches on all major highlights of the decisions to be made with in-service aircraft; sell? keep part 91? charter? JMA assists aircraft owners in determining if they should make the transition from owner to owner/charter or solely charter operations. We analyze past and present aviation and financial operations and make recommendations for the “way forward”.
JMA assists clients to more efficiently and effectively take control of the “how-to’s” of business aviation financial tracking. JMA helps aircraft owners translate in-the-field trip expenses and charter trip expenses into the production and publication of easy-to-comprehend financial statements. Clients that have accurate, actionable operations and financial data, have the best chance of making the right operational and financial decisions for their businesses.
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